This is a great question! and one that I hear almost weekly at our addiction support group (Smart Recovery) The question may vary somewhat but essentially sounds like ‘how do I stop using’ The answers also vary and can often result in sometimes tense dialogue with laughter and at times end with tears and frustration. I would like to respond briefly to the question not from a clinical perspective but rather from a collection of voices that come from people battling this complex problem. The dialogue usually includes 3 domains that I will call, Self, Social and Support and almost always include these few points.
- SELF I must do this for me! and Includes clarifying and connecting with what is truly important in life in other words in my deepest desire what do I really want my life to stand for? what sort of person do I want to be? how do I want to treat myself and others? and eventually arriving at a place where I can ask myself will using my substance of choice move me closer or further from my life’s values?
- SOCIAL Includes making the tough choice to remove harmful people from my life. This usually involves cutting off ‘using friends’, dealers and sometimes using partners and family. This choice is often really tough because it can cause other problems like loneliness and isolation.
- SUPPORT which includes finding support services , support people which can include counselling, rehabs, medications, AA or Smart Recovery and also should include support people with really good energy.
Rehab can be a pathway to recovery however in my opinion “one size does not seem to fit all” individuals must be responsible for their own behaviour, and are best to design their individual recovery program.
Hope this helps, David